Maritime Radio Day: Registrations

MRD registration

The online form for registering to participate in the annual Maritime Radio Day

Callsign is a key entry to the data base – one unique callsign only please!
Multiple-operators: each operator must register individually with the same callsign and mark the multi-operator checkbox, below. Each operator will receive their own certificate of participation (CoP).
Your name (multiple-operators please regsiter each operator inidividually)
Email Address(Required)
Enter ship or coast-station name, or simply enter Name of Station you collect QSO’s for as you like you want it to be printed on your CoP. E.g.
M/S Dresden –> M/S Dresden/ DAVK
RMS Queen Mary –> RMS Queen Mary/ GBTT
Roma Radio –> Roma Radio/ IAR
SWL or Others enter: friend of MRD and check the SWL checkbox below

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Supply any additional information in a single Word document / PDF or Text file and upload here. Keep files small <2MB.