Important notice to all members – particularly in the UK and Europe – regarding the new General Data Protection Regulations (from May 2018)
The Radio Officers’ Association (ROA) holds a database of all our members’ addresses, which is stored securely, and is used for subscription management, official communication and the posting of the QSO journal. The ROA commits that no information we hold will be forwarded to a third party without the permission of the member concerned. Your data is held in encrypted format by the ROA.The database is used to create address labels to allow QSO to be despatched. This has to be sent to the printers, and they have assured the ROA that they will take great care of our data, and they will not pass any information on it to any third party. It is implicit that every time that you renew your subscription, you are giving us active consent to retain your information in the ROA database.
If you are unhappy with us holding this information about you then clearly you cannot, for all practical purposes, be a member of the ROA as we could not issue subscription reminders and address labels for QSO. In this case we will refund your unused membership fees for 2018.
To enable us to save time and expense, unless you specifically advise us otherwise,you agree that information contained on the membership form you provided when you joined may be passed only on to fellow members of the ROA in the form of a list of members. We further advise you that we will not use such a list for any purpose whatsoever, other than to contact former colleagues.
Please note that all data held by you in the membership list provided to you when you joined cannot under any circumstances be passed to a third party. All new members joining the ROA will be required to sign an agreement to this effect before an electronic membership list will be issued to them. Remember that you have the right to withhold information from this in whole, or in part.
These new regulations only apply within the European Union but members elsewhere in the world can be assured their data will treated in exactly the same way.
Tony Selman, Chairman
30th April 2018