ROARS Net Awards 2024: Details from ROARS Chairman Peter Gavin: 31st March 2024
“It is with pleasure that I am able to announce the members who have attended the Thursday Net for 20 or more times this year from April 2023 to March 2024.
Mike M6MPC is obviously top of the list as our net controller. Many thanks for your efforts during the year Mike it is very much appreciated by all of us.
Four additional members have made the list this year despite variable conditions.
Top of the participants again and the clear leader who joined every Net this year!
Tim Strickland/ G4EOA with 48 Nets
Tim G4EOA 48
Ken GW3VVL 39
Peter M0URL 37
Robin G3OGP 33
Ian G4KJD 33
Tom EI3ER 27
Bill G0ELZ 25
John MW0JWW 23
Mike G3GMS 22
Mike EI3KO 22
Colin MW0UTT 20
Thanks to everyone who joined the Nets during the year.
Participation Certificates will be presented at the AGM and mailed to those not present.
Main ROARS Net on Thursdays
This takes place every Thursday night at 19.00 local on 3507kHz or 7017 Khz and is run by our Web Meister Mike Carter M6MPC. Each person that calls in will be given a QRY number. The net starts with Tintwhistle weather followed by a passage from the Maritime Union Magazine in Dutch and English plus a block of mixed 5-digit code groups. Then Mike sets the members three questions appertaining to our time at sea. Each member is then called in turn to give their weather, answers to the questions and any other pertinent information. If conditions on 3507kHz/7017Khz for the weekly Thursday 19.00 net are very poor such as long skip where no UK stations are readable then Mike M6MPC will revert to Top Band 1827kHz and call there. Check on WhatsApp Group before sked for QRG changes
ROARS Rag Chew Sked on Tuesdays
The following sked is to encourage more members to go on the air for a leisurely CW chat as we used to do during a slack watch at sea. This will provide an on-air meeting place and time to connect with colleagues/friends. Please note that this is not really a Net as there will be no Net Controller. As a matter of courtesy, QSOs should proceed at the speed of the slower operator. Once a QSO is established please QSY Up or down to make room for others to make a call.
SKED DETAIL Tuesdays 1000 – 1100 Local time. Call Freqs: 3538/3565 kHz or 7017 kHz. Call format: CQ ROA DE MYCALL. Exchange: RST + Op Name + QSY +/- kHz. Call Speed: What you are comfortable with. (Speed of slower Operator) Topics: Your choice of Topic. So, Lads roll up your sleeves, dust down those keys and light up the airwaves with your CW QSOs!
==Conditions pretty good tonight save for the crashes of QRN from thunderstorms down south.N
Net report for 1st August by Mike Cartervery good conditions tonight with very little QRM from deaf or stupid ops.NNN
Net report for August 8tNet report for August 8th by Mike Carterh by Mike CarterNN
Net report for Thursday January 16th 2025 by Mike Carter
Very noisy band tonight but some good signals coming through though.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of Over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO VCS bnd 8PO where from, where to? (Halifax to Barbados)
Q2 – What MF/CW calling/distress frequency did GLD transmit on? (498 kc/s, offset from 500 kc/s due power etc)
Q3 – You are sailing from OXZ up the Baltic to Stockholm. You pass Oland Island to port. What is the next big island you sail past on your starboard side called? (Gotland Island)
Some good answers tonight, but nobody got Q2. I thought every op knew about GLD offset to 498 Kc/s
Net report for Thursday 9th January 2025 by Mike Carter
Conditions not the best tonight, certainly not at this end, but we did alright.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G0CHL Mike fm Morecambe
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC in Dutch fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions:-
Q1 – You are QTO SAG bnd OFJ where from, where to? (Gothenburg to Helsinki)
Q2 – Name an anchorage in the Suez Canal? (Gt Bitter Lakes)
Q3 – You are sailing southwestwards to New York, great circle. You have passed Newfoundland. What other island, unseen is on your starboard side? (Sable Island
Only Tom got Q3. I think a bit of Atlas reading is required!
Net report for Thursday 2nd January 2025 by Mike Carter
Conditions pretty good this evening. Those on net:
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
Sent tintwistle WX
Sent QTC in Dutch fm Union Mag “Telegraph” then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO XVS bnd 4PB where from, where to? (Saigon to Colombo)
Q2 – How did the Lusitania/MFA end her days as an Atlantic Liner? (Torpedoed by U20 off the Old Head of Kinsale, Eire (Irish Sea)
Q3 – Ships ropes are made of what common materials? (Manila, Hemp, Sisal, or Polypropylene)
Some good answers tonight, memories intact!
Net report for Thursday 19th December by Mike Carter
Conditions not the best tonight but managed to get the Net done.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick (No reply when called for WX etc. Possible TX fault?)
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO VID bnd 9MG where from, where to? (Darwin to Penang)
Q2 – If you are on an all aft ship, where was your main receiving whip aerial fixed/placed with duplex ssb in mind?
(On the forward mast)
Q3 – You are sailing up the Delaware side of the Chesapeake Bay USA East coast. What main port is at the top
end of the bay/waterway? (Philadelphia)
No one got Q3, which I thought most would know.
Net report for Thursday 5th December by Mike Carter
Pitty conditions were not good to start the Net but at least they improved as we moved on.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants.
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of Over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO ZLW bnd HSA where from, where to? (Wellington to Bangkok)
Q2 – You are on a large Bulk Carrier and Oil Carrier combined. What is the term for this type of vessel in our days at sea? (OBO)
Q3 – You are sailing slightly south of west passing Hebrides on your port side bound for USA East Coast. What is the most
northern Hebridean Island called? (Lewis)
Only Tom got Q3.I thought that was easy.
Net report for November 28th by Mike Carter
Please note that due to condx there were no satisfactory nets on November 14th or 21st. This evening conditions quite good for a change.
On the Net were the following :-
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union M<ag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent a Joke fm Over 70’s Joke Book
3 questions :-
Q1 – you are QTO XSG bnd JOS where from, where to? (Shanghai to Nagasaki)
Q2 – You are sailing on a motorship using black bunker oil in main engine.When coming into port, what
happens fuel wise? (change over to lighter bunker oil, eg diesel)
Q3 – You are sailing fm ZSD to 5ZF. Passing The NE coast of Mozambique, you pass an Island chain on
your starboard side unseen. Name it. (Comoros Islands)
Some good answers tonight as memories intact.
Net report for November 7th by Mike Carter
Conditions very good to start with, then when Andy was giving info, the skip started to lengthen, worse luck.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
MW0JWW John fm Fishguard
G0LLX Andy fm Blackpool
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English Diff subject.
Sent Navigational Warning (forgot so sent bit later)
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke out of 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO 4PB bnd XYR where from, where to? (Colombo to Rangoon)
Q2 – When coming alongside, forward and aft ropes tied up. What was the name of sometimes wire ropes from side
of ship called? (Springs)
Q£ – You are sailing east, off the coast of Labrador, bnd UK. What island do you pass on your starboard side? (Belle Isle)
Some good answers tonight but no one got Q3.
Net Report for October 31st by Mike Carter
Very good conditions tonight with just the odd twit causing a little QRM not listening first!
On tonight’s net were the following :-
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G0CHV Mike fm Morecambe
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
MW0JWW John fm Fishguard
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
G0LLX Andy fm Blackpool
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning x 2
sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO OXJ bnd OXZ where from, where to? (Torshavn to Copenhagen)
Q2 – Reference the deck of an all aft bulk carrier. In heavy weather, looking forward from the bridge, what happens to the deck/superstructure? (Bends/flexes)
Q3 – You are sailing from Aberdeen north to Lerwick. What island , north of Orkneys, do you pass on your port side? (Fair Isle)
Only John got Q3.I thought that would be very easy as it’s off our coasts.
Net report for October 24th by Mike Carter
Very good signals tonight all round. Glad we went up 500c/s though due QRM.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim gud op fm Hastings
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst
MW0JWW John fm Fishguard
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO YVL bnd VCS where from, where to? (Puerto Cabello Venezuela to Halifax)
Q2 – Years ago, Mobil Tankers were quite common. What colour was the hull? (Bright Blue)
Q3 – You are sailing northwest from Mazatlan Mexico up Gulf of California. What is the Peninsula on your port side called?
(Baja California)
Net report for October 17th by Mike Carter
Good turnout tonight and good conditions also.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
M0URL Peter fm Yateley
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst
G0CHV Mike fm Morecambe
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
G0LLX Andy fm Blackpool
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO ZSV bnd VIP where from, where to? (Walvis Bay to Perth/Freemantle)
Q2 – On some cargo ships, what was the name of the common heavy lift derrick called? (Stulken Derrick)
Q3 – You are sailing from 9VG to Manila up the South China Sea. What island is Manila situated on? (Luzon Island)
Some good answers tonight, memories intact!
Net report for October 10th by Mike Carter
Signals good to start with tonight but faded out towards the end, with Tiel and Colin unable to hear me.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill from Liverpool
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
M0URL Peter fm Yateley
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC in Dutch fm Union Mag “Telegraph” the another diff subject in English
Missed Nav Warning due computer Glitch
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke fm over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO 5OZ bnd 9GA where from, where to? (Port Harcourt to Takoradi)
Q2 – Many British ships had Doxford main engines. Where were they made? (Sunderland Co. Durham then)
Q3 – You are sailing from Townsville/VIT bnd Magadan Russia. Northeast of Hokaido Japan, you pass through some disputed Islands. What are they? (Kuril Islands)
Net report for October 3rd by Mike Carter
Good signals tonight all round, and no QRM for a change.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G0CHV Mike fm Morecambe
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew green
MW0JWW John fm Fishguard
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO CLA bnd YVG where from, where to? (Havana to LaGuaira Venezuela)
Q2 – If there are bollards on a jetty, what are the equivalent to tie up to aboard? (Bitts)
Q3 – You are sailing towards the straits of Hormuz from Aden. What Capital city do you pass on your port side unseen? (Muscat Oman)
Some very good answers tonight.
Net report for September 26th by Mike Carter
Pretty good conditions tonight but only 3 of us on.
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC from Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions
Q1 – You are QTO 4PB bnd 5ZF where from, where to? (Colombo to Mombasa)
Q2 – You are on a cargo ship midships and aft accommodation. In bad weather, what precautions on deck, help you get from
midships to aft and vice versa safely? (Rope life lines plus ships railings)
Q3 – You are sailing north to Balboa/NBA from Valparaiso, You are off Ecuador coast. What islands, unseen, are on your
port side? (Galapagos Islands)
Good answers tonight. Pity about the turnout but most in Bristol.
Net report for September 19th by Mike Carter
Very good signals all-round tonight with no QRM heard.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
G0CHV Mike fm Morecambe
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO DAO bnd Sag where from, where to? (Kiel to Gothenburg)
Q2 – Your ship is going up the Bonny River, bottomed in shallow water and breaking the “Sal” Log tube. What other log do you have spare onboard? ( Usually a Walkers spinning rope log)
Q3 – You are sailing from Townsville/VID through Torres Strait to 9VG. What large island, possibly unseen, is on your starboard side? (New Guinea)
Not many got Q2 at all, and also Q3. I thought these were quite easy.
Net report for September 12th by Mike Carter
Good signals tonight all round in spite of a deaf op too close to us!
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3GMS Mike fm Whitley Bay/GCC
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out of Over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO ZSC bnd ZSV where from, where to? (Capetown to Walvis Bay)
Q2 – If you are sailing fm USA East coast to Los Angeles/KOK, and if Panama is closed due to lack of Gatun Lake water,
What major river do you pass on your starboard side on way to Cape Horn? (River Amazon)
Q3 – What happens to your wire aerials as you sail north past Nord Kap? (Aerials icing up)
Net report for September 5th by Mike Carter
Good signals all round tonight apart from Andy in Blackpool at 559/569, but got all his info.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G3GMS Mike fm Whitley Bay/GCC
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
G0LLX Andy fm Blackpool
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke out olf Over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO JOS bnd VWC where from, where to? (Nagasaki to Calcutta)
Q2 – When at sea, did anyone wear white nylon shirts when dressed in Blues, then get shocks off radio gear on watch?
(I did. Easy to wash and no ironing but had to wear an earth strap around my wrist to stop shocks)
Q3 – You are sailing due west from Freeport Bahamas. What would be your first landfall? (Florida)
Some geography missing tonight, but a couple of good answers too.
Net report for August 29th by Mike Carter
Pretty good conditions tonight apart from Deaf ops causing QRM. why do they do it?
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent Joke from 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO NMA bnd WSC/WSL where from, where to? (Miami to New York)
Q2 – You are sailing up into Lake Charles Texas, what station do you use for closing down TR? (Galveston/KLC)
Q3 – You are sailing from aden to Bombay. What island on your starboard side do you pass when entering Arabian Sea? (Socotra)
Some mixed answers tonight but spoilt by QRM from deaf/bad ops.
Net report for August 22nd by Mike Carter
Nice to have good signals around except Bill in Everton, conditions again.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
M0URL Peter fm Yatley Hants
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
G3GMS Mike fm Whitley Bay/GCC
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke out of Over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO KLB bnd XSG where from where to? (Seattle to Shanghai)
Q2 – The main anchorage in Suez Canal for Northern Passage was in what? (Great Bitter Lakes)
Q3 – You are sailing north past Messina then west. What island is on your port side?
Mixed answers tonight, but geography sometimes a bit lacking after all the sailing we did in those days.
Net report for August 15th by Mike Carter
Not bad conditions tonight, but not quite as good as last week.
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
G3GMS Mike fm Whitley Bay/GCC
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another diff subject in English
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke out of Over 70’s Joke Book 3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO WLO bnd NBA where from, where to? (Mobile to Balboa – Panama Canal Zone)
Q2 – What shipping company out of Liverpool, used to run to Guyana, also, the name of a Rum? (Booker Line)
Q3 – You are sailing from Ascension Island to Port Stanley Falklands. Which Island is PS situated on? (East Falkland)
Some mixed answers tonight, Q3 being a bit hard.
Net report for August 8th by Mike Carter
Net report for August 8th by Mike Carter
On tonight’s Net were the following :–
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
G3OGP Robin fm Billingshurst Sussex
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew green Wales
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
EI3ER Tom fm Galway
G3GMS Mike fm WhitleyBay/GCC
M0URL Peter fm Yateley
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO 5ZF bnd VID where from, where to? (Mombasa to Darwin)
Q2 – Flying fish land on your ships deck.Can they be eaten or not? (Yes, but a bit boney)
Q3 – You are sailing west in the inland sea of Japan bound for Nagasaki. What Island is on your port side? (Kyushu)
some good answers tonight but nobody got Q3.
Net report for August 8th by Mike Carter
Net report for August 1st by Mike Carter
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
G4KJD Ian fm Ashill Somerset
M0URL Peter fm Yateley Hants
G0CHV Mike fm Morecambe
PA3KGR Tiel fm Pijnacker
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
G3GMS Mike fm Whitley Bay/GCC
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph” in Dutch, then another in English diff subject
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke out of over 70’s Joke Book
3 Questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO GNE bnd TFA where from, where to? (Oban to Reykjavik)
Q2 – What port in Yemen, in our time at sea, was the name of a famous coffee? (Mocha)
Q3 – You are sailing from Panama to Los Angeles/KOK. What famous Island is on your port side and also the name of
an aircraft? (Santa Catalina island)Mixed answers tonight. A couple got all 3 answers============================================
Net report for 11 July from Mike Carter
Net report for July 25th by Mike Carter
Net report for 25th July by Mike Carter
On tonight’s Net were the following :-
G0ELZ Bill fm Liverpool
G4EOA Tim fm Hastings
M0URL Peter fm Yatley Hants
GW3VVL Ken fm Crew Green Wales
MW0UTT Colin fm Llanfair
MW0JWW John fm Fishguard
G4NCZ John fm Manchester
G3GMS Mike fm Whitley Bay/GCC
EI3KO Mike fm Limerick
Sent Tintwistle WX
Sent QTC fm Union Mag “Telegraph”
Sent Navigational Warning
Sent some mixed code
Sent joke from over 70’s Joke Book
3 questions :-
Q1 – You are QTO 4PB bnd VWM where from, where to? (Colombo to Madras)
Q2 – In our time at sea, the river Mersey was quite busy. If sailing from Western approaches to Liverpool, where did you pick up the Pilot? (Point Lynas, Anglesey)
Q3 – You are sailing northwest from Chittagong on a small general cargo vessel, where are you headed? (Dhaka/Bangladesh)
Some good answers tonight but only 2 got question (3)