Maritime Radio Day: Rules

MRD Maritime Radio Day is being held annually 14th to 15th of April to remember almost one hundred years of wireless service for seafarers. Since its beginning in 1900 it was the most important communication service until the end of 1998. The date of MRD should be a reminder of the Titanic disaster in 1912.
Former Wireless operators of the merchant marine, fisheries and coast stations are requested to register.
- Date: 14th April 1200 UTC 15th April 2200 UTC
- Bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15 & 10m plus WARC – Calling Frequencies +/- for QRM – 1824, 3520, 7020, 10118, 14052-55, 21052 and 28052 Khz
- Mode: CW only
- Output power: not limited
- QSO-Exchange QRK, name, call sign of last or favourite ship / coast station / aircraft / maintenance company and additional: travel report, msg and/or qtc if you like.
- Deadline of registering: 1st of April at midnight, deadline of logs: 1st of May
- Certificate of participation (CoP) – SWL must send a complete log to be able to verify QSO data by selection. Licensed operators send either a log as Word .doc/.docx or .pdf, or an e-mail with number of ships, coast, special and hams contacted.
- Certificate is available only by e-mail!
- Results of MRD will be published on MRD homepage under Result lists of MRD.
- QSL cards: Each participant manages his QSL card. There is no QSL manager!
- For registering, click here.
- End of registration is April 1st at midnight
Coast station and ship callsigns could be operated only by former Radio Officers, Operators of Coast Stations and from Radio Technicians worked in the branch of installation and maintenance of coastal and ship radio equipment and antennas. Companies as they are e.g. RAMAC, DEBEG, SAIT etc. Radio amateurs start with Nr. 001